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Acacia Middle School Embrace • Educate • Empower

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Registration Dates

Acacia Middle School registration for the upcoming academic year will be held from July 31st to August 1st. Parents and guardians are encouraged to complete the Data Validation and Authorizations online through the Aeries Parent Portal. Please call our main office if you need assistance or have any questions.
Image of Dr. Barret Survey

HUSD Parent/Caregiver Experience Survey

HUSD Families: Please check your email for a survey link, as well as more information about our Parent/Caregiver Survey. Survey Closes: February 16, 2024.
1st Place: Esteban "Stevie" Castro Grade 5, Cawston Elementary 2nd Place: Aniza Mira Malumay Grade 7, Acacia Middle School 3rd Place: Olivia Moser Grade 5, Idyllwild School

HUSD Hosts its Annual Spelling Bee

The competition lasted 10 rounds and this year's winning word was "reimbursable!"

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